How Much Does Security Cost for a Festival in the UK? Analysing Variable Factors Like Location, Size, and Threat Levels

Planning a festival in the UK involves many decisions, with security being one of the most critical. Ensuring the safety of attendees, staff, and performers is non-negotiable, but how do you calculate the costs associated with it? The price tag on festival security can vary significantly depending on factors like location, size, and perceived threat levels.

This guide will break down these elements to help you better understand and plan your festival security budget. Given the importance of security, let’s explore how different factors influence the costs involved.

Factor 1: Location – Urban vs. Rural Settings

The location of your festival plays a significant role in determining your security needs and costs. Both urban and rural settings present unique challenges.

Urban Festivals

Urban festivals often attract larger crowds due to the proximity to population centres.

Here’s how urban settings affect security costs:

Crowd Control: High population density requires more security team for crowd management and access control.

Access Management: Multiple entry and exit points in urban areas necessitate a comprehensive access management plan, increasing costs.

Crime Rates: Urban areas may have higher crime rates, leading to additional security measures like surveillance cameras and metal detectors.

Regulatory Compliance: Urban festivals must adhere to strict local regulations, which can increase compliance and security costs.

Rural Festivals

Rural locations, while often quieter, come with their security considerations:

Perimeter Security: Expansive, open spaces require more extensive perimeter security, such as fencing and additional patrols.

Emergency Response: Rural festivals’ remoteness can result in longer emergency response times, requiring on-site medical and security personnel.

Geographical Challenges: Rural areas might have uneven terrain or adverse weather, necessitating extra safety measures.

Whether urban or rural, each location has distinct security needs that will impact your budget. Understanding these challenges is key to effective planning.

Factor 2: Festival Size – Impact on Security Costs

Your festival’s size directly correlates with your security plan’s complexity and cost. Larger festivals naturally require more resources.

Attendance Numbers

The number of attendees is a primary driver of security costs:

Staffing Needs

Larger crowds mean more security personnel are needed, from stewards to on-the-ground security teams.

Crowd Management

Managing large crowds involves barriers, signage, and crowd control systems, all of which add to the cost.


Bigger festivals often need advanced surveillance systems, such as CCTV tower, to monitor the site effectively.

Infrastructure and Layout

The physical layout also plays a role:

Multiple Areas

Festivals with numerous stages or zones require security at each point, increasing staffing and equipment needs.

Perimeter Security

Securing the perimeter of a large festival is costly, requiring careful planning and execution.

Factor 3: Threat Levels – Assessing Risks and Costs

The perceived threat level of your festival is a significant factor in security planning. Higher threat levels require more robust measures and, consequently, higher costs.

Defining Threat Levels

Threat levels can range from low risk (minor public disorder) to high-risk (terrorism). Here’s how different threat levels affect costs:

Low Threat: Basic security measures like crowd control and access management are often sufficient.

Moderate Threat: Events with moderate risks may need increased surveillance, more personnel, and coordination with local law enforcement.

High Threat: High-profile events or those with large crowds may face significant threats, necessitating advanced security measures like metal detectors, K9 units, and a strong police presence.

Cost Implications

Higher threat levels naturally increase costs:

Specialised Security: High-risk events require specialised measures, such as bag searches and body scanners, which are costly.

Insurance: The perceived threat level also affects insurance premiums, with higher risks leading to higher premiums.

Training: High-threat events require extensive training for security personnel, adding to the overall budget.

Crowd Security



Estimated Cost 

Size of the Festival 

– Small (1,000–5,000 attendees)  
– Medium (5,000–20,000 attendees)  
– Large (20,000+ attendees) 

– £5,000 to £20,000  
– £20,000 to £50,000  
– £50,000 to £200,000+ 


Urban areas may have higher costs; rural locations might be cheaper. 

Varies by location 


Costs increase with multi-day events security due to more shifts needed. 

Varies by event duration 

Type of Security 

– Basic Security (crowd control, patrolling)  
– Advanced Security (CCTV Monitoring, metal detectors)  
– Specialist Security (sniffer dogs, VIP protection) 

– £16.95–£25 per hour per guard  
– Significantly increases costs  
– High additional costs 

Additional Costs 

– Insurance  
– Training and Compliance  
– Emergency Services Coordination 

Varies by event and requirements 

Estimated Total Cost 

For a medium-sized festival (10,000 attendees): 

£30,000 to £70,000 

FAQs About Festival Security Costs

Consult with security professionals who can assess your event's needs and provide a tailored cost estimate based on location, size, and threat level.
Both have unique challenges. Urban areas may require more crowd control, while rural regions need extensive perimeter security.
Staffing, surveillance technology, and perimeter security are typically the largest expenses.
Investing in advanced technology can reduce workforce needs, but the initial investment may be high.
Higher threat levels require more robust security measures and higher insurance premiums, increasing overall costs.


Festival security in the UK is a complex but crucial aspect of event planning. By understanding the factors that influence costs—location, size, and threat levels—you can create a comprehensive security plan that keeps everyone safe while staying within budget. Whether your event is large or small, urban or rural, investing in the right security measures is essential to ensure a successful and secure festival.