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Quality Policy Statement

It is the policy of the Innovative Security Solutions Limited to always meet or exceed agreed client requirements in security provision and to strive to enhance (increase) client satisfaction on an ongoing basis for all services provided. These services are referenced in our documented Quality Management System (QMS) and by our Quality System Approval to ISO 9001: 2015 Furthermore, it is the intention of our organisation to conform to all applicable elements of BS EN ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System Requirements. Our documented system is therefore written to ensure that our personnel conform to these particular requirements, in addition to all other applicable Industry Codes of Practice and Legal, Statutory and Regulatory requirements appropriate to our range of services. The Company’s Executive Management Team is committed to this Policy and to the Continual Improvement of the effectiveness of our processes and the overall Quality Management System. This commitment is demonstrated through the following ongoing activities: Communicating to everyone in the Company the importance of meeting the agreed client as well as applicable statutory and regulatory requirements; Establishing and communicating this Policy Statement to all personnel and ensuring that it is understood; Ensuring the Company Quality Objectives are established and are met; Conducting management review to determine the effectiveness of our overall QMS, and to bring about improvements where necessary.

Health & Safety Policy Statement

The Director of Innovative Security Solutions Limited is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for staff, customers, contractors and visitors. The effective management of health and safety ranks equally with any other managerial or supervisory responsibility. The aim is to ensure that health and safety becomes an integral part of the company’s activities. Our statement of general policy is: · to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our activities; · to consult with employees on matters affecting their health and safety and encourage active participation to maintain and improve standards; · to provide and maintain safe and healthy premises; · to provide and maintain safe work equipment; · to ensure safe handling and use of substances; · to ensure employees are competent to do their tasks, providing information, instruction, training and supervision as required to ensure safe and healthy working; · to ensure contractors are competent to manage the health and safety aspects of their work; · to monitor health and safety standards by carrying out regular inspections; · to record and investigate significant accidents and cases of work-related ill health and where appropriate implement measures to prevent re-occurrences; · to review and revise this policy as necessary at least every 12 months. The organisation, responsibilities and general arrangements to implement this policy are attached. Where appropriate the arrangements will be developed locally to control specific risks.

Environmental Policy Statement

“Innovative Security Solutions LTD believes in setting standards for others to follow so that our customers can have today, what others can only attempt to provide tomorrow” We seek to minimize the impact of our operations on the environment by the pursuit of good business practices and by fulfilling our legal obligations. Our strategic objective is to provide a coherent framework of good environmental practice within each of our operating sites. Our Environmental Management System is documented, implemented and maintained and communicated to all employees. Where we are operating on client sites we will work with their Environmental Management Representative in achieving shared goals and objectives in line with the client’s own systems. Innovative Security Solutions Limited pledges to implement and operate the Environmental Management System to further enhance environmental performance. Our main operational objectives and commitments are to: · Understanding each site’s legal obligations and ensure compliance. · Design and implement environmental management systems to enable the reduction, reuse and recycling of general waste and packaging materials. · Help our clients to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy waste · Take all measures to prevent pollution. · We are committed to the process of continual improvement. · We are committed to meet or exceed relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements This policy will be communicated to all parties interested in the performance of our environmental management system, including the public.

GDPR Policy Statement

Innovative Security Solutions Limited is committed to conducting its business in accordance with all applicable Data Protection laws and regulations and in line with the highest standards of ethical conduct. This policy sets forth the expected behaviours of Innovative Security Solutions Limited Employees and Third Parties in relation to the collection, use, retention, transfer, disclosure and destruction of any Personal Data belonging to a Innovative Security Solutions Limited Contact (i.e. the Data Subject). Personal Data is any information (including opinions and intentions) which relates to an identified or Identifiable Natural Person. Personal Data is subject to certain legal safeguards and other regulations, which impose restrictions on how organisations may process Personal Data. An organisation that handles Personal Data and makes decisions about its use is known as a Data Controller. Innovative Security Solutions Limited, as a Data Controller, is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Data Protection requirements outlined in this policy. Non-compliance may expose Innovative Security Solutions Limited to complaints, regulatory action, fines and/or reputational damage. Innovative Security Solutions Limited’s leadership is fully committed to ensuring continued and effective implementation of this policy and expects all Innovative Security Solutions Limited Employees and Third Parties to share in this commitment. Any breach of this policy will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action or business sanction. This policy has been approved by Innovative Security Solutions Limited’s Managing Director


We aim to be a leader in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and are committed to ensuring the best practices to this end. The policy of (CSR) instituted by our company outlines nine criteria, reflecting existing and emerging benchmarks


The executive team are committed to the integration of (CSR) in all corporate decisions. Our workforce is expected to follow their example. Our leaders will ensure that appropriate structures are in place to effectively identify, monitor, and manage (CSR) issues and performance relevant to our business.


As a company aimed at high performance, we strive to maximize 'sustainable corporate value'. By this we mean to achieve a sound balance between profitability and (CSR). We recognise that sustainable corporate value is a continuous process of creating present and future corporate wealth, and that value creation comes from: high-quality assets, strong financial management, sound corporate governance, preservation of the natural environment and creation of relevant local capacities and protection of the public where we operate. We will consider the creation of both short-term and long-term sustainable value in our decision-making.


We conduct business in an open, honest, and ethical manner We comply with all laws and regulations where we operate. We recognize the importance of protecting all assets of the company including financial, physical, human, information, social, environmental, and reputation assets. We assess and manage our risks to effectively steward these assets. We advise partners, contractors, and suppliers of our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, and work with them to achieve compliance with the Policy.


While governments have the primary responsibility to promote and protect human rights, we support and encourages this goal within our sphere of influence. We do not take part in human rights abuse, and will not engage, or be complicit, in any activity that solicits or encourages human rights abuse. In providing for the protection of company personnel, we promote respect for, the protection of, human rights.


We apply fair labour practices, while respecting the national and local laws of the communities where we operate. We do not engage in or tolerate unlawful workplace conduct, including discrimination, intimidation, or harassment. We do not engage in forced or exploitative labour. We strive to provide local employment and economic opportunities in the communities where we operate. We treat our workforce with dignity, fairness, and respect.


We provide a safe and healthy working environment, and expect our workforce to comply with the health and safety practices established for their protection. We safeguard the environment, and operate in a manner consistent with, recognized global industry standards in environment, health, and safety. In all our operations, we strive to make efficient use of resources, to minimize our environmental footprint.


We will consider the interests of all stakeholders, and are committed to timely and meaningful dialogue with stakeholders, and will address their legitimate issues and concerns within our sphere of influence. We will engage stakeholders clearly, honestly, and respectfully.


We emphasizes collaborative, consultative, and partnership approaches to community investment and programs, recognizing that no corporation is solely responsible for changing the fundamental economic, environmental, and social situation in a community. Through our activities, we will assist in local capacity-building and develop mutually beneficial relationships to make a positive difference in the communities where we operate.


Our engagement towards our environmental and social responsibility will be evaluated periodically and in a transparent manner. We will advise our partners of our Corporate and Social Policy, and support their attempts to achieve these standards.

It is the policy of Innovative Security Solutions to ensure that all our activities are, so far as is possible, sensitive to all issues relating to the protection of the environment.


Environmental considerations are considered in all purchasing decisions. All plant, equipment and materials used by Innovative Security Solutions are, to the best of our knowledge environmentally friendly.


Good Housekeeping is the duty of all employees and contractors; waste material is disposed of responsibly.


All Company vehicles are run on unleaded fuel or diesel.


This policy is under constant review and whenever possible more environmentally friendly products or methods of work will be introduced.




Innovative Security Solutions LTD believes in “setting standards for others to follow so that our customers can have today, what others can only attempt to provide tomorrow” Innovative Security Solutions (“the company”) is committed to creating a culture in which diversity and equality of opportunity are promoted actively and in which unlawful discrimination is not tolerated. “The company” recognizes the real business benefits of having a diverse community of staff and to this end, is working towards building and maintaining an environment which values diversity.

Policy Statement

“The company” believes in the principles of social justice, acknowledges that discrimination affects people in complex ways and is committed to challenge all forms of inequality. To this end, “The company” will aim to ensure that: · individuals are treated fairly, with dignity and respect regardless of their age, marital status, disability, race, faith, gender, language, social/ economical background or being lesbian or gay and any other inappropriate distinction; · it promotes an inclusive and supportive environment for staff;

Aims of the Policy and underpinning principles

The aim of this policy is to ensure that in carrying out its activities “The company” will have due regard to: · promoting equality of opportunity, across all the areas of the organisation · promoting good relations between people of a diverse background · eliminating unlawful discrimination This policy is guided by the following principles, that: · all staff, should enjoy a safe environment free from discrimination and harassment/bullying · all employees should have equal access to quality services that are made available by “The company” · all staff should have equal access to opportunities for personal, professional or academic development and career, progression and promotion opportunities wherever possible.


The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring the strategic development, implementation and review of the Equality and Diversity Policy and progress on the implementation across the organization. The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring that procedures relating to staff recruitment, selection, career development discipline and grievance are carried out in accordance with the Equality and Diversity Policy. The Managing Director is responsible for: · fostering a culture in which compliance with this policy is regarded as integral to the work of the area and in which equality and diversity issues are actively promoted; · ensuring all staff are encouraged, supported and enabled to reach their full potential · identifying appropriate staff development for themselves and their staff to meet the needs of their respective areas

Breach of the Policy

Innovative Security Solutions will take seriously any instances of non-adherence to the Equality and Diversity policy by staff. Any instances of non-adherence will be investigated and where appropriate will be considered under the relevant disciplinary policy.

Relevant Legislation

Innovative Security Solutions has implemented its Equality and Diversity Policy in accordance with current legislation and codes of practice including: · EU Anti-Discrimination Directives (which currently include the Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 2003, Religion and Belief Regulation 2004 and Sexual Orientation Regulation 2004 · Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 · Human Rights Act 1998 · Disability Discrimination Act 1995 · Race Relations Act 1976 · Sex Discrimination Act 1975 · Equal Pay Act 1970 and Amendment 1983